
logos, branding, color themes, photograph editing, mockups, Adobe Illustrator 2024, Adobe Photoshop 2024, design principles, design techniques, format images, intermediate HTML 5, intermediate CSS 3, hand-type code in Adobe Dreamweaver 2021, edit web pages in Adobe Dreamweaver 2021, refresh browser, e-mail URL and attached files of project draft to company for consideration, Microsoft Edge, Windows 11

Experience and Accomplishments

Santa Rosa Parks Foundation chose one of my logo candidates for their organization's use. I invented two Photoshop technical skills: another way to whiten teeth in photographs, and another way to create a sunset in photographs. I have a solid foundation in the design principles and the design techniques.


BA Anthropology and Spanish. California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt. May 1992.

Computer Studies: Web Graphic Designer certificate. Santa Rosa Junior College. December 2014.
